Variables - Overview

Variables - Overview

This section provides an overview of the variables most commonly relied upon to measure polarization. These variables occur in various different forms in different datasets. Below you can find an overview, in an attempt to collect and compare the availability of the items.
DescriptionCSES IMDCSES 5ESSCHESMarporEurobarometer
Left-Right (Expert judgement of parties)IMD5012_E5018_lrgenrile
GALTAN (Expert judgement)galtan
Ideological Family (Expert judgement)IMD5011_E5019_familyparfam
Left-Right self-placementIMD3006E3020lrscalelrs
Left-Right placement of partiesIMD3007_E3019_
Like-Dislike rating of partiesIMD3008_E3017_
Inparty by representationIMD3005_3E3010_2
Inparty by closenessIMD3005_3E3024_3
Inparty degree of closenessIMD3005_4E3024_4
*EES and WVS information is currently missing, as development for these datasets is yet to occur. The table will be updated continously.