(Weighted) Spread of like-dislike scores


The (weighted) spread of like-dislike scores is a measure originally proposed by Wagner (2020), who considers it superior to the distance from the most-liked party, and has since been used by a number of scholars to measure affective polarization. It measures the average spread of party like-dislike scores within respondents, weighted by the size of the parties. To aggregate to the party system, one simply calculates the unweighted average of all respondents’ spread scores. Wagner computes the (weighted) spread of like-dislike scores based on the CSES dataset, but in principle it can be applied to other datasets that contain the required items, i.e., like-dislike scores.


Wagner proceeds in two steps. First, they calculate the (weighted) spread of like-dislike scores for each respondent. Second, they aggregate to the party-system level by taking the mean of the respondents’ distance scores. The unweighted and weighted distance measures are calculated as follows:


Spread: $Spread_i = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{p=1}^p (like_{ip} - \bar{like_i})^2}{n_p}}$

Weighted spread: $Spread_i = \sqrt{\sum_{p=1}^p v_p (like_{ip} - \bar{like_i})^2}$

where $i$ = individual, $p$ = party, $v_p$ voteshare of party $p$, and $\bar{like_i} = \sum_{p=1}^p (v_{p} like_{ip})$

Aggregation to the party system is done by taking the unweighted mean of all respondents’ affective polarization scores:

$Spread_k = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n Spread_{ik}}{N_{ik}}$

This means that the spread of party like-dislike scores at the party system level $k$ is obtained by summing the spread score of all respondents $i$ in a country-year sample $k$ and dividing by the number of respondents $N_k$.


We have written custom R functions for coding this measure and assembled it, along with other functions, into an R package that is currently under development. The package can be installed from GitLab. Comments, suggestions, and feature requests are welcome.
# Import data
cses_imd <- polaR_import(source = "cses_imd",
						 path = "datasets/cses/cses_imd.dta")

# Use 'weighted' to toggle between the weighted and unweighted measure
# The data output can be provided with individual scores or aggregated to a country/year level with 'aggregate'
cses_imd <- spread_likedislike(cses_imd,
							  weighted = TRUE,
							  aggregate = FALSE)


Use cases

Publications that use this measure:

A regional perspective to the study of affective polarisationBettarelli et al. (2023)
Affective Polarisation in Comparative and Longitudinal PerspectiveGarzia et al. (2023)
Does affective polarisation increase turnout?Harteveld and Wagner (2023)
Sweet victory, bitter defeatJanssen (2023)
Overlapping polarizationRiera and Madariaga (2023)
Exploring differences in affective polarization between the Nordic countriesRyan (2023)
Affective polarisation in multiparty systemsWagner (2021)