(Weighted) mean distance from the most-liked party


The (weighted) mean distance from the most liked party is a measure suggested by Wagner (2021), although he considers it inferior to the (weighted) spread. It measures the average discrepancy between like for the most liked party and like/dislike for all other parties. Wagner computes the (weighted) distance based on the CSES dataset, but in principle it can be applied to other datasets that contain the required items, i.e., like-dislike scores. ​


Wagner proceeds in two steps. First, they calculate the (weighted) mean distance for each respondent. Second, they aggregate to the party-system level by taking the mean of the respondents’ distance scores. The unweighted and weighted distance measures are calculated as follows:

Unweighted: $Distance_i = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{p=1}^p (like_{ip} - like_{max,i})^2}{n_p}}$

Weighted: $Distance_i = \sqrt{\sum_{p=1}^p v_p (like_{ip} - like_{max,i})^2}$

The subscript $i$ denotes an individual respondent, $p$ denotes a party, $max$ is the most liked party, and $v_p$ is the percentage of votes received by a party. ​


We have written custom R functions for coding this measure and assembled it, along with other functions, into an R package that is currently under development. The package can be installed from GitLab. Comments, suggestions, and feature requests are welcome.
# Import Data
cses_imd <- polaR_import(source = "cses_imd",
						 path = "path/to/dataset.dta")

# Use 'weighted' to toggle between the weighted and unweighted measure
# The data output can be provided with individual scores or aggregated to a country/year level with 'aggregate'
cses_imd <- distance(cses_imd,
					 weighted = c(TRUE, FALSE),
					 aggregate = c(TRUE, FALSE))



Use cases

Publications that use this measure:

Elite communication and affective polarization among votersBäck et al. (2023)
Ideological identity, issue-based ideology and bipolar affective polarization in multiparty systemsComellas and Torcal (2023)
What Do We Measure When We Measure Affective Polarization?Druckman and Levendusky (2019)
Validating the feeling thermometer as a measure of partisan affect in multi-party systemsGidron et al. (2022)
Affective polarization and the salience of electionsHernández et al. (2021)
Affect, Not IdeologyIyengar et al. (2012)
Overlapping polarizationRiera and Madariaga (2023)
Exploring differences in affective polarization between the Nordic countriesRyan (2023)
Economic Integration, Party Polarisation and Electoral TurnoutSteiner and Martin (2012)
Intergroup contact reduces affective polarization but not among strong party identifiersThomsen and Thomsen (2023)
What Do We Measure When We Measure Affective Polarization across Countries?Tichelbaecker et al. (2023)
Social trust and affective polarization in Spain (2014–19)Torcal and Thomson (2023)
Affective polarisation in multiparty systemsWagner (2021)
Affective polarization and coalition signalsWagner and Praprotnik (2023)