Affective Polarization Index


The Affective Polarization Index (API) was developed by Reiljan (2020). It is based on Dalton’s Polarization Index and measures the (weighted) average difference between partisans’ like of their party, including leaners, and their dislike of all other parties. Reiljan computes the API based on the CSES dataset, but in principle it can be applied to other datasets that contain the required items, i.e., like-dislike scores and partisan identification questions. For example, Garzia et al. (2023) applies the measure to The West European Voter Dataset and national election studies from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States.


Reiljan proceeds in two steps. They first calculate an AP score for each partisan group (i.e., those who at lean toward a party). In a party system with $N$ relevant parties, the relative AP of each party is defined as: $$AP_n = \sum_{m=1;m\neq n}^N [(Like_n - Like_m) \times (\frac{Vote~share_m}{1-Vote~share_n})]$$ where the subscript $n$ denotes the in-party and $m$ denotes the out-party. Vote shares are expressed as decimals (e.g., 10% = 0.1). In a second step, they calculate the weighted average of all relevant parties’ AP score in a given party system as:

$$API = \sum_{n=1}^N (AP_n \times Vote~share_n)$$ Both steps taken together can be expressed as follows: $$API = \sum_{n=1}^N[\sum_{m=1; m \neq n}^N ((Like_n-Like_m) \times (\frac{Vote~share_m}{1 - Vote~share_n}))\times Vote~share_n]$$

Given a like-dislike scale ranging from 0 to 10, the API score can range from –10 to +10. ​


We have written custom R functions for coding this measure and assembled it, along with other functions, into an R package that is currently under development. The package can be installed from GitLab. Comments, suggestions, and feature requests are welcome.
# Import Data
cses_imd <- polaR_import(source = "cses_imd",
						 path = "path/to/dataset.dta")

# Compute Measure
cses_imd <- api(cses_imd)


Use cases

Publications that use this measure:

Cleavage politics, polarisation and participation in Western EuropeBorbáth et al. (2023)
Affective Polarisation in Comparative and Longitudinal PerspectiveGarzia et al. (2023)
Fragmented foesHarteveld (2021)
The relationship between affective polarisation and democratic backslidingOrhan (2022)
Fear and loathing across party lines (also) in EuropeReiljan (2020)
Patterns of Affective Polarisation toward Parties and Leaders across the Democratic WorldReiljan et al. (2023)